Equipment and areas

Choose from a range of procedures that suit you best and bring the right curative and relaxing effect.
Wooden Bio Sauna
Operating temperature: 40 – 50 °C, max. 110 °C
Operating humidity: 50–55%, max. 60%
Recommended length of stay: 5–15 min, followed by rapid cooling and rest for 10–30 min in the relaxation area
Recommended cycles: 2 to 3 cycles
Bio sauna capacity: 2 persons
According to the type of design, liquid essences are applied to special bowls by the heater (other applications of the essence on the heater are strictly forbidden) or solid herbs are used on special evaporating grids (we recommend the manual or automatic sprinkling of herbs).
Finnish Sauna
Operating temperature: 85–95 °C, max. 110 °C
Operating humidity: 3–6%, max. 10%
Recommended length of stay: 5–15 min, followed by rapid cooling and rest for 10–30 min in the relaxation area at the common temperature
Recommended cycles: 2 to 3 cycles
Sauna capacity: 12 persons
Finnish sauna is a hot-air dry bath, which is about a targeted alternation of the hot-air temperature surges in contrast to the cold water bath or shower. To increase the effects of heat in the “sweat room”, it is possible to do a self-massage by means of various massage scrubbers and brushes. By appropriately alternating the cycles in the sweat room and the cooling cycles, you can individually achieve the desired effects of the sauna.
The effects of the sauna consist in the overall relaxation of the musculoskeletal system. The sauna has a beneficial effect on blood pressure disorders (hypotension), chronic catarrhs of the airways, arthrosis, degenerative joint disease, rheumatism, body detoxification, release of endorphins – happiness hormones, immunity strengthening. The sauna is an excellent prevention against flu and colds as well as a complementary treatment for weight loss.
It is necessary to supply the body with lost fluids after using a sauna.
Hammam – Steam Bath
Operating temperature: 45–47 °C, max. 55 °C
Operating humidity: 80–100%, max. 100%
Recommended length of stay: 10–15 min (or longer in case of table therapy)
Recommended cycles: 1
Bath capacity: 4 persons
Steam bath or hot-air wet bath. The body does not heat up as sharply as it does in the sauna and the humidity reaches 100%. The effect of the steam bath is increased especially if the steam is enriched with eucalyptus essential oils or other active ingredients, thus providing an optimal environment for the effective treatment of airway problems and overall relaxation. It should be noted that the sweating phase occurs (with respect to 100% humidity inside) only after leaving the steam bath. Subsequent rest (in a bathrobe on a lounger or in a tepidarium) is therefore essential for the proper effect of the steam bath therapy.
A centrally installed heated table with a drain serves for the application of a “wet hot massage” (e.g. foam) or for the application of special body wraps. The table can also be used for an individual massage according to your wishes.
A steam bath helps clear the airways, contributes to the regeneration of overstrained muscles, alleviates overall fatigue, positively affects the overall blood supply to the body and its detoxification, while having a beneficial effect on the joints and can relieve rheumatic problems.
Caution should be exercised when it comes to high temperatures. Sauna treatment is also unsuitable for acute inflammatory, especially febrile, illnesses, high pressure, heavy pregnancy unhealed wounds or also as directed by your doctor.
Infrared Sauna
Operating temperature: 40–55 °C, max. 60 °C
Operating humidity: 50–55%, max. 60%
Recommended length of stay: 15 min
Recommended cycles: 1 cycle – warm up before the massage
Sauna capacity: 2 persons
This type of warming up has a different type of heat source than the Finnish sauna. Instead of a conventional heater (which heats the air in the common sauna), infrared saunas have infrared radiators installed which produce mainly radiant heat. Heat is spread mainly by radiation – that means directly from the radiator to the person inside the sauna. The air in the sauna is heated only afterwards (opposite of a Finnish sauna). With regard to lower operating temperatures and possible cooler air (not when the sauna is in long-term operation), this therapy is recommended for those who cannot withstand high temperatures in the classic Finnish sauna. The body will warm up even at these lower temperatures.
Use of the infrared sauna is recommended especially before physical activity or a massage.
Kneipp Bath
Operating temperature – warm water: 35–38 °C
Operating temperature – cold water: 10–15 °C
Recommended length of stay: 1 cycle approx. 4 times per 1 min
Capacity: 1 person / couple of pools (C/W water)
It is recommended to slowly shift your weight from one foot to the other in the pool. After about 1 minute (individual matter), step into the adjacent pool and it is recommended to repeat the free movement mentioned above for the stated time. The stepping into the adjacent pool leads to a desirable contrast bath described by Sebastian Kneipp. A contrast bath is understood to be the alternation of cold and warm water. The order in which the user enters the Kneipp bath (warm/cold) is not strictly specified.
Kneipp therapy is useful for the body as it helps protect against illnesses and ailments of all kinds, while it also has a positive effect on the legs and the whole body, strengthens and increases immunity and walking in the water can evoke a pleasant feeling like walking in wet grass as well as on wet stones.
Water treading promotes blood circulation and arterial circulation. Along with muscle movement, it also promotes venous blood circulation and helps prevent varicose veins. It is suitable in the evening to encourage better sleep.
Keep in mind that when moving in the Kneipp bath, there is a possibility of the RISK OF SLIPPING!
Salt Sauna
Operating temperature: 35–42 °C, max. 55 °C
Operating humidity: 70–100%, max. 100%
Recommended length of stay: 10–15 min
Recommended cycles: 1–2 cycles
Salt sauna capacity: 4 persons
Application of salt aerosol in a salt sauna helps purify the airways, facilitates metabolism and helps protect the skin from aging. The simultaneous distribution of steam helps improve the dispersion of the aerosol in the sauna and thus intensify the effect on the human body. The finest particles of salt vapour penetrate deep into the lungs. It is suitable for people with skin disease and respiratory disease.
Sunny Meadow
Possible length of stay: 4–15 min
Recommended length of stay: 4–15 min – according to the phototype of the tanning person
Recommended cycles: max. 1 cycle/day
Capacity: max. 4 persons
Powerful sunlike heaters radiate the light needed to lightly tan and warm the body of the lying persons, which is very similar to real sunshine.
It is advisable to regularly sunbathe during metabolic disorders especially during the winter season and against spring illnesses.
People have different types of skin (phototype) with different absorption capacity and the sun exposure time must be chosen with regard to the phototype of each individual user while taking into account the frequency of use of this or other similar (sun or solar) heaters.
Wear sunglasses or keep your eyes closed during use.
Remove cosmetics from your body before going to the sunny meadow.
Change body position.
Outdoor Cold pool
Operating temperature: 8–15 °C
Recommended length of stay: approx. 1–2 min
Recommended cycles: always after a sauna cycle (can also be replaced with a shower)
Pool capacity: 2 persons
The cold pool is designed to cool the body as part of a sauna procedure. The way of use is individual for every person (like the stay in the hot room). Therefore, it is necessary to use the pool with caution and possibly consult with a professional before use (sauna master, doctor, etc.).
After warming the body in the sauna, there should be a rapid cooling phase under a shower (max. 5 minutes), in a pond, pool or in a water tub with a temperature of 8–12 °C (max. 2 minutes) or in the snow or an ice pit in winter. Once the heat demand is felt again, the cooling phase needs to be stopped. Cold causes vessels to contract and returns blood circulation to a stable state. The recovery of “chilled” blood circulation is accelerated with the help of a warm foot bath while sitting. The foot bath takes 3–5 minutes.
The pleasant warmth of the whole body comes very quickly.
A final cooling should prevent sweating after the person taking the sauna is dressed.
When entering, exiting and moving around the pool, it is necessary to hold the installed handrail while also paying attention to the increased possibility of the RISK OF SLIPPING!
Before entering the pool, it is necessary to have a quick wash in the shower!
Outdoor whirlpool
Operating temperature: 34 - 36°C
Recommended length of stay: approx. 10-15 minut
Recommended cycles:: 2 - 3
Hot tub capacity: 5 - 6 osob
The whirlpool is designed for relaxation and hydromassages as part of the sauna procedure. The way of use is individual for every person (like the stay in the whirlpool). Therefore, it is necessary to use the whirlpool with caution and possibly consult with a professional before use (sauna master, doctor, etc.).
After entering the whirlpool, the muscles should gradually warm up and you should receive hydromassages. After the procedure, it is necessary to cool your body in a shower or in the cold pool. It is necessary to relax at least 20 minutes between individual procedures to let your muscles relax completely.
When entering, exiting and moving around the hot tub, it is necessary to hold the installed handrail while paying attention to the increased possibility of the RISK OF SLIPPING! Before entering the hot tub, it is necessary to have a quick wash in the shower.
For relaxation, use our indoor relaxation room or outdoor terrace. After staying in the heat rooms, resting time in a horizontal position on the loungers is recommended. When resting, drink liquids – non-alcoholic and non-carbonated (water, fruit drinks, etc.). We will be happy to serve you at the wellness bar.
Price List
Hotel guests | 90 minutes | 290 CZK |
Hotel guests children 6 - 12 years | 90 minutes | 190 CZK |
Public | 90 minutes | 390 CZK |
Public children 6 - 12 years | 90 minutes | 290 CZK |
Hotel guests every additional 10 minutes 20 CZK (max. 590 CZK/day)
Public every additional 10 minutes 30 CZK (max. 790 CZK/day)
Children every additional 10 minutes10 minut 20 CZK
Online booking of massages and private miniwellness here
phone: +420 739 484 261